poseidonos-cli subsystem add-listener

Add a listener to an NVMe-oF subsystem


Add a listener to an NVMe-oF subsystem.

Syntax: poseidonos-cli subsystem add-listener (–subnqn | -q) SubsystemNQN (–trtype | -t) TransportType (–traddr | -i) TargetAddress (–trsvcid | -p) TransportServiceId

Example: poseidonos-cli subsystem add-listener -q nqn.2019-04.ibof:subsystem1 -t tcp -i -p 1158

poseidonos-cli subsystem add-listener [flags]


  -h, --help             help for add-listener
  -q, --subnqn string    The NQN of the subsystem to add listener.
  -i, --traddr string    NVMe-oF target address: e.g., an ip address
  -p, --trsvcid string   NVMe-oF transport service id: e.g., a port number
  -t, --trtype string    NVMe-oF transport type: e.g., tcp

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug         Print response for debug.
      --fs string     Field separator for the output. (default "|")
      --ip string     Set IPv4 address to PoseidonOS for this command. (default "")
      --json-req      Print request in JSON form.
      --json-res      Print response in JSON form.
      --port string   Set the port number to PoseidonOS for this command. (default "18716")
      --unit          Display unit (B, KB, MB, ...) when displaying capacity.


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