poseidonos-cli device list

List all devices in the system.


List all devices in the system. If you cannot see any device, try executing the device scan command and execute this command again.

Syntax: poseidonos-cli device list

poseidonos-cli device list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug         Print response for debug.
      --fs string     Field separator for the output. (default "|")
      --ip string     Set IPv4 address to PoseidonOS for this command. (default "")
      --json-req      Print request in JSON form.
      --json-res      Print response in JSON form.
      --port string   Set the port number to PoseidonOS for this command. (default "18716")
      --unit          Display unit (B, KB, MB, ...) when displaying capacity.


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